Wednesday 26 May 2010

Happy birthday Namoras!

This picture was taken in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Last September Namoras and I travelled to Argentina and it was a fantastic trip. The first chance we had to really get to know each other, and the result is: everlasting love.... *** Foto tirada em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Setembro passado Namoras e eu viajamos para Argentina e foi uma viagem fantástica. Primeira oportunidade de realmente se conhecer e o resultado: amor eterno...! Santa Tereza. First time we spent a weekend together. Back then, I discovered how generous and caring Namoras is. We drank wine and told our secrets, it was amazing! *** Santa Tereza. Primeira vez que passamos um fds juntos. Naquela época eu pude descobri como meu Namoras é generoso e gentil. Bebemos vinho e contamos nossos segredos, foi maravilhoso!
Three pictures of our trips together. This last one was in Rio.
We've been together for 1 year now, and I must say it's been the best year of my life. Namoras fulfills all expectations I once had. Strong and understanding, Namoras has been through hard times with me and never once made me think he wouldn't be able to handle it. You're who I can count with, a true partner! I love you with all my heart...!!! *** Três fotos tiradas em nossas viagens, a última no Rio.
Estamos juntos a 1 ano e devo dizer que foi o ano mais feliz da minha vida. Namoras preenche todas as expectativas que um dia tive. Forte e compreensivo, esteve comigo em tempos difíceis e nunca me fez achar que não conseguiria lidar com a situação. Posso realmente contar com vc, um parceiro de verdade! Te amo do fundo do meu coração...!!!

Tuesday 25 May 2010


This is me taking a look at the horizon. Picture taken in Rio, at the top of Christ the Redeemer. A beautiful view that made me thing about life. Today is a happy day, I promise myself to try to keep this happy feeling for as long as possible. Thank you family and Namoras for all the support, you helped me make my dreams possible. I'm still a little numb, when everything is done I'll post something to explain better what's going on!!!! *** Essa sou eu dando uma olhada no horizonte. Foto tirada no Rio, no topo do Cristo. Uma vista linda que me fez pensar sobre a vida. Hoje é um dia feliz, prometo a mim mesma tentar manter esse sentimento de felicidade pelo máximo de tempo possível. Obrigada família e Namoras por todo suporte, vocês me ajudaram a tornar meus sonhos possíveis. Ainda estou paralizada, quando tudo estiver feito vou postar algo para explicar melhor o que está acontecendo!!!!

Monday 17 May 2010


One or two months ago, my Namoras and I went to a waterfall in the countryside of our state, a place called Santa Leopoldina. The place was very cute, there were some cottages where people could pay to stay and a good restaurant too. But obviously we loved the waterfall, beautiful for the eyes, was scary to go into the water! We could see some fish and once I even felt one going around my foot...ahhh! Even with this small detail, I would love to go back there....
*** Um ou dois meses atrás, meu Namoras e eu fomos a uma cachoeira no interior do estado, num lugar chamado Santa Leopoldina. O lugar era muito fofo, com alguns chalés que vc paga para ficar e um bom restaurante também. Mas é claro que nós adoramos a cachoeira, bonita de se ver, mas... assustador entrar na água! Dava pra ver alguns peixes e uma vez eu até senti um peixe nadando perto do meu pé...ahhh! Apesar deste pequeno detalhe, adoraria voltar lá....

Friday 14 May 2010


This picture was taken when I was playing soccer in the US. I never played well, but people liked me! Here in Brazil, I only played this sport when I was 13-14, after that I started to feel people were looking at me as if playing soccer was a boy's thing. Because I wanted desperately to fit in, I quit playing it. When I set foot in American soil, I discovered that I spoke very poor English therefore communication of any kind was really hard. Then, soccer came to my rescue. My classmates discovered that I had played soccer before so they told me to try for the school team. I did and don't regret a minute. They tought me a lot of English and we had great experiences together. The best part is that we played against other schools so we had to travel to other cities, I got to go to most cities of Oregon state, and that was gooood. Well, and I was in the newspaper...hehehe...I love being famous, even for only a minute :)

Friday 7 May 2010


Some of my faces. This one is when I want to look good. I want my smile to be seen and admired, specially because I think it's beautiful (yes, I'm not modest at all). Some years ago, I used to try to smile and something crooked and ugly would come out, then I stopped smiling for good. Some time after I decided to give it another try, this time harder, and this gorgeous smile became my signature! *** Algumas caras e bocas. Essa é de quando eu quero ficar bem na foto. Quero que meu sorriso seja visto e admirado, especialmente porquê acho que é bonito (é, não sou nada modesta). Alguns anos atrás, eu tentava sorrir e algo torto e feio era o que saia, aí decidi parar de sorrir pra sempre. Algum tempo depois decidi tentar denovo, agora com mais vontade, e esse sorriso lindo virou minha assinatura! :)
Hã? What? This face is the one when I'm caught off guard. It's when I'm not actually worried, or thinking about anything special, just relaxed. And there are one or two things that REALLY relax me!!!! *** Hã? Quê? Essa cara é de quando sou pega de surpresa. É quando não estou preocupada nem pensando em nada especial, apenas relaxada. E tem uma ou duas coisas que REALMENTE me relaxam!!!!!
Look at this cute little face, one might even think I am an angel. Maybe not as much as an angel, but definetly not devilish! Hope to post some more crazy faces soon... *** Olha essa carinha fofa, pode-se até pensar que sou um anjo. Talvez nem tanto um anjo, mas definitivamente também não uma diabinha!

Wednesday 5 May 2010


The picture represents how dark the future might sometimes look, all we can do is be optimistic and look at the bright side of things. In fact, I think the future looks promising, I just want to be able to fulfill all the expectations that I made for myself. I'm the only one who can be in charge of my own life, luckly I can count on people to help me on this journey. My friends who are always there, listening to all my crap and obviously the man of my life. The one chosen by the stars to be with me at all walks of life. I deeply love my Namoras!