Wednesday 28 April 2010

Alice in Wonderland

On Sunday, I went to the movies and watched the 3D version of Tim Burton's "Alice in the wonderland". The movie is quite beautiful and the story interesting, but there were some things I didn't completely like. Pehaps we shouldn't have spent so much money on 3D, it looked as if it was adapted and not original, I definitely didn't like the 3D effects. The plot was slow at some points, but since I had never seen or read anything about Alice (believe it or not) I enjoyed the first experience. *** Domingo fui ver a versão 3D do filme de Tim Burton "Alice no país das maravilhas". O filme é bem bonito e a estória interessante, mas não gostei de algumas coisas. Talvez a gente não deveria ter gastado tanto dinheiro no 3D, parecia uma adaptação e não algo original, definitivamente não gostei dos efeitos de 3D. Algumas partes eram um pouco lentas, mas como eu nunca tinha visto ou lido sobre Alice (acredite se puder) gostei da minha primeira vez :)

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